PT Dirgantara Indonesia/Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) is one of the indigenous aerospace company in Asia with core competence in
aircraft design, development and manufacturing of civilian and military regional commuter aircraft.
Since being established in 1976, the company has successfully exploited its ability as industry of manufacture and have
diversified its product not only in the field of aircraft but also other area such as Information Technology, Automotive,
Maritime, Simulation Technology, Industrial Turbine, and Engineering Services.
In production line, Dirgantara Indonesia has delivered more than 300
units of aircraft & helicopters, defence system,
aircraft components and other services. Through the implementation of
restructuring program in the beginning of 2004, Dirgantara
Indonesia now is supported by 3.720 employees formerly 9.670; while the
18 business units, become:

Assembly & Integrations of :
- CN235-220 (Produced & Delivered 57 units, 5 units back orders)
- NC-212-200 (Produced & Delivered 102 units)
- Helikopter NBO-105 ( Produced & Delivered 122units, stop production @2008)
- Helikopter BELL-412 (Produced & Delivered 33units )
- Helikopter NAS-332C1 (Produced & Delivered 20 units)
- ILS & Customer-Supports

Produce Tooling and airframe Components of :
- Airbus A380/A320/A321/A340/A350
- Boeing B-747/B-777/B-787
- Eurocopter MK-2 (EC225/EC725)
- Airbus Military CN235/C295/C212-400

Provide Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Alteration of:
- PTDI Products: CN235, NC-212-100/200, NBELL-412, NBO-105, NSA-330 and NAS-332
- Non PTDI Products: B737-200/300/400/500, Cesna172, Enstrom 480B, BK-117 and Bell-212
Spares Support
General Aviation Business

Technology and Development - PT Dirgantara Indonesia as one of directorate under PT Dirgantara Indonesia has capability and experience in the area of Engineering Design and Product Development, Simulation Technology, System Integration and Maintenance for Defense and Security System, Information Technology and also a training and laboratories facilities.
Hopefully, this aircraft industry will
become an efficient and adaptable business institution. Dirgantara
Indonesia cover an area of 86,98 hectares of building. The production
activities of the company are sustained by 232 units of various
machinery and equipment. Apart from this, there are some other equipment
spread over in various assembly lines, laboratories, and service &
maintenance units.
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