Thursday, July 25, 2013

Three Nakhoda Ragam Class are Set to Move to Indonesia

Nakhoda Ragam class light frigate (photo : Militaryphotos)

BAE Systems Ships at Centre of Dispute Set to Leave Barrow Docks After Years in Limbo

THREE ships which have graced Barrow’s docks for more than five years after a dispute between BAE and the Sultan of Brunei are finally set to leave.

The three Nakhoda Ragam class vessels were built by BAE in Scotstoun, Glasgow, for the Royal Brunei Navy.

But after they were completed in 2002, Brunei refused to accept them, despite the ships being declared fit by the Royal Navy.

KAI Publishes Small KF-X Concept

KFX-E stealthy fighter concept based on its T-50 series (image : KAI)

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has published a drawing of a moderately stealthy fighter concept based on its T-50 series of supersonic trainers and light-attack aircraft. The concept aircraft is far smaller and less ambitious than the all-new, twin-engine KF-X designs promoted by the Agency for Defense Development, the leading proponent of building an indigenous South Korea fighter.

Some South Korean industry officials doubt that the country has the technical resources to build the KF-X, especially if major civil aerospace programs go ahead at the same time; a 90-seat turboprop airliner is also proposed. But a KF-X derived from a current type would demand less engineering and may benefit from stronger pricing by avoiding competition with the Lockheed Martin F-35, although Saab is already in the market for advanced but moderately sized fighters with its Gripen E/F.

Strategi Peperangan Udara "Dogfight"

Satria Dirgantara, Medan

Saya menduga yang Anda maksudkan adalah konsep OODA Loop, sebuah konsep pengambilan keputusan hasil analisis Kolonel John Boyd seorang penerbang tempur Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat. Perjalanan terciptanya teori ini diawali pada saat ia menjadi penerbang F-86 Sabre dan harus mengembangkan taktik menghadapi pesawat MiG-15 Korea Utara dalam Perang Korea. 

Strategi Peperangan Udara "Dogfight"

Modernisasi Alutsista TNI Untuk Kedaulatan NKRI

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menegaskan bahwa Indonesia membutuhkan kehadiran tentara yang kuat dan modern untuk bisa menjaga kedaulatan dan keutuhan wilayah Indonesia. Untuk bisa membentuk tentara yang kuat, diperlukan alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) yang modern.

"Kedaulatan adalah harga mati. NKRI tidak bisa kita kompromikan. Maka, Indonesia perlu tentara kuat dan modern," kata Presiden Yudhoyono pada acara peresmian Monumen Perjuangan Mempertahankan NKRI di Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Senin (22/7).


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