Thursday, August 02, 2012

KRI Lambung Mangkurat-374 berlabuh di Banjarmasin

BANJARMASIN(antara) - Seorang awak kapal memperhatikan haluan KRI Lambung Mangkurat-374 yang sandar di pelabuhan Trisakti Banjarmasin untuk melakukan penambahan logistik, bahan bakar dan perawatan selama tiga hari setelah melakukan Operasi Tameng Hiu di perairan perbatasan Kalimantan Timur - Malaysia, Selasa (31/7).

KRI Lambung Mangkurat yang merupakan kapal eks GDR ship Angermünde ini menggelar open ship bagi masyarakat untuk berkunjung ke kapal dan melihat persenjataan canggih yang di miliki kapal tersebut.
FOTO ANTARA/Herry Murdy Hermawan/Koz/nz/12.

Modern Infantry Vehicles Making Tanks Obsolete

If procurement of main battle tanks (MBTs) in NATO and certain other countries is any indication, the era of MBTs being the bulwark of land forces may be over. Tanks seem to be losing the strategic advantage to UAVs, and force projection advantage to lighter and more agile armoured vehicles.

      A study by has revealed that Germany, France, U.K., and the U.S., have not issued RFPs for new MBTs in the past few years. Instead, highly mobile infantry combat vehicles (IFVs) and All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) seem to be the flavor of the season.

      Used and refurbished MBTs seem to be finding new homes in developing countries. Recently, the Czech Army announced plans to sell 134 T-72 MBTs to an unnamed African country. Earlier, the Czech Republic had sold an unspecified number of T-72s to Algeria. Taking a cue from their NATO neighbors’, the Czech army seems keen on light armored vehicles with higher mobility over the T-72 which can be bogged down in urban environments and are sitting ducks for armed UAVs and other air launched weapons in open fields.

      However, some developing countries too seem to be having second thoughts about MBTs. Indonesia which is in the line to purchase 100 used German Leopold tanks has had opposition from Indonesian lawmakers who have voiced that the 62-ton German-built tank is unsuited for the far-flung archipelago with two land borders and an under-developed network of roads and bridges which would be major obstacles to their effective deployment.

      IFV manufacturers meanwhile are being flooded with orders. Oshkosh Corporation recently won an order for its mine-resistant, ambush-protected all-terrain vehicles (M-ATVs) from the UAE. Since 2009 Oshkosh has received orders for more than 9,500 M-ATVs. Oshkosh Navistar International Corp. has also pursued contracts with foreign armies interested in upgrading their tactical-truck fleets.

      Defense market research organization, Forecast International expects the market for IFVs to be worth more than $19.7 billion, through 2021.

      As part of its modernization program, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Army has issued an international request for proposals (RFP) for 600, 8x8 wheeled combat vehicles. Prospective contenders include BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa's RG41, the ARTEC Boxer (Germany), the FNSS Savunma Sistemleri Pars (Turkey), the General Dynamics European Land Systems Piranha 5.

      South Africa is planning to procure a new IFV called Project Hoefyster. BAE Systems has offered the RG41 stating that it was more modern and cheaper than the locally-customised version of the Patria AMV currently slated for production as the “Badger”.

      Johan Steyn, director Land Systems SA managing director said “Technology has evolved significantly in the years since Project Hoefyster was first launched".

      “It makes sense then to look at newer solutions such as RG41 now available, which largely meet the technical requirements and could provide cost savings and broader economic benefits for the country".

      China too has switched over to light armed vehicles in many applications where tanks were earlier used. China’s Type 90 armored personnel carrier (APC) and Type 90 mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV) represent a new generation of IFVs the country will increasingly use.

      Russia was in talks with French manufacturer Panhard on the purchase of 5001-ton light armored vehicles for its border guards. Russia is scaling down the production of its T-90 tanks for its own forces though it offers a modernized version for export.

      India, which has considerable inventory of Russian T-72 and T-90 tanks, has launched its Future Infantry Combat Vehicle (FICV) project. The objective is to have a highly mobile, lightweight and a lethal vehicle which can match a tank in firepower.

      The Indonesian government owned manufacturing company Pindad said it will begin production of an armored fighting vehicle in 2014

Wamenhan Resmikan Pembangunan Tiga Kapal Perang

JAKARTA - Wakil Menteri Pertahanan (Wamenhan) RI Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin didampingi Irjen Kemhan Laksdya TNI Sumartono, dan Wakasal Laksdya TNI Marsetyo serta sejumlah Pejabat Mabes TNI dan Angkatan, Selasa (31/7), meresmikan pembangunan tiga kapal perang di Galangan Kapal PT. Dok dan Perkapalan (DKB) Kodja Bahari, di Jakarta.
Peresmian yang ditandai dengan peletakan lunas (keel laying) ini menandai pembangunan satu unit kapal perang jenis Bantum Cair Minyak (BCM) serta pemotongan baja pertama (first steel cutting) untuk pembangunan dua unit kapal jenis Landing Ship Tank (LST).
Dalam sambutannya, Wamenhan mengatakan, Peristiwa peresmian ini merupakan bukti satu langkah maju dari peran PT. Dok dalam membangkitkan industri pertahanan, sekaligus menjadi peran pemerintah sesuai dengan apa yang telah dicanangkan oleh Presiden RI untuk memodernisasi alutsista TNI. Terlebih, produk yang dihasilkan akan menjadi bahan laporan Bapak Presiden kepada rakyat Indonesia pada 5 Oktober 2014 di Surabaya.

Model kapal perang LST buatan PT. Dok Kodja Bahari
Lebih lanjut, Wamenhan mengatakan masih ada 2 episode tantangan lagi yang harus dimenangkan oleh PT Dok Kodja Bahari yaitu, masalah kualitas dan ketepatan waktu penyelesaian pembangunan kapal. Sedangkan ke depan, Wamenhan berharap PT Dok Kodja Bahari juga harus mampu berbicara tidak hanya pada skala nasional saja, tetapi juga pada tingkat regional.
Dan untuk mewujudkan upaya tersebut, sedang dipikirkan wacana mengadakan joy sea trip bagi tamu-tamu dari negara luar pada event Indo-Defence 2012 mendatang, sebagai bagian memperkenalkan kepada negara-negara luar tentang industri perkapalan khususnya yang berada di Jakarta, untuk menopang kebangkitan industri pertahanan. Mengingat, hal tersebut dapat menjadi cermin serta Indonesia dikenal dengan kebangkitan industri dan tidak mengenal krisis ekonomi global.
Sementara itu, Dirut PT Dok Kodja Bahari Riry Syeried Jetta menyampaikan, bahwa kapal jenis BCM yang berukuran panjang 122,40 meter, lebar 16,50 meter, memiliki kecepatan maksimal 18 knots dan berkapasitas bahan minyak cair sebanyak 5500 m3 akan selesai pembangunannya dan diserahkan pada Bulan Desember 2013.
Pola pembangunan kapal tersebut menggunakan Multiyard Single Construction Methode dengan sistem Integrated Hull Construction Outfitting & Painting, yakni dilaksanakan di tiga galangan di Jakarta yang dilakukan secara paralel serta pengerjaan konstruksi bangunan kapal sudah mencapai 550 ton dari total 1.770 ton.
Sedangkan untuk kapal LST berukuran panjang 117 meter, lebar 16,40 meter dengan kecepatan maksimal 16 knots, diproyeksikan dapat mengangkut tank tidak hanya jenis BMP 3F tetapi juga untuk tank sekaliber Leopard.


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