Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Apa Pendapat Penerbang Sukhoi TNI AU tentang Super Hornet Australia?

Dogfight Sukhoi dengan Hornet
Dalam latihan udara Pitch Black 27 Juli-13 Agustus lalu di Australia, penerbang dan jet-jet Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flanker TNI AU dianggap sebagai rekan berlatih utama dan tamu kehormatan. Kehadiran pesawat tempur buatan Rusia yang amat disegani Barat ini sudah diharapkan sejak lama. Australia, AS dan sejumlah negara ingin sekali melihatnya dari dekat dan mengajaknya berlatih bersama. Ajakan itu akhirnya dipenuhi Indonesia dalam Pitch Black ke-12 yang baru saja berakhir. Tim Indonesia dipimpin langsung oleh Wakasau Marsda TNI Dede Rusamsi.

Kini, ketegangan AU Australia terhadap pesawat-pesawat tempur buatan Rusia itu sudah mencair. Kerjasama lebih jauh dengan TNI AU tampaknya juga mulai terbuka lebar. Mereka puas bisa berlatih bersama, terlebih karena jet andalan mereka F/A-18F Super Hornet AU Australia bisa "duel" di langit Tindal dan Darwin. Pemandangan langka ini disaksikan peserta tetap Pitch Black, yakni Korp Penerbangan Marinir AS, AU Thailand, AU New Zealand, dan AU Singapura. Selain Super Hornet dan Flanker, ikut berlatih juga di sini di antaranya: F-16 Fighting Falcon, F/A-18 Hornet, F-15 Eagle, dan AP-3C Orion.

Lalu apa kata penerbang jet Sukhoi Indonesia, yang semestinya juga menganggap latihan udara bersama ini sebagai pengalaman yang amat berharga? "Walau skalanya tidak sebesar Red Flag, latihan ini tampak direncanakan, dikelola dan dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik. Mereka memanfaatkan semua sumber yang ada dan dimiliki partisipan, sehingga latihan seperti real," ungkap Komandan Skadron Udara 11 Letkol Pnb. Untung Suropati kepada Angkasa. Red Flag yang ia sebut adalah latihan pertempuran udara madya yang rutin dilakukan AU AS di Alaska dan Nevada.

Pitch Black 2012 (RAAF)
Ditambahkan, walau TNI AU sering berlatih operasi udara semacam ini, namun skala dan kompleksitas Pitch Black telah menambah wawasan, pengetahuan serta bekal yang lain bagi penerbang TNI AU. Mereka kini tahu seperti apa operasi gabungan skala besar multi-nasional. Untuk itu kesempatan ini sebaiknya memang diberikan juga kepada skadron udara lain.

Adakah kesan khusus terhadap F/A-18F Super Hornet, yang disandingkan sebagai "lawan tanding" Su-27/30? "Pesawat ini bagus. Thrust (daya dorong mesin) dan avioniknya jauh lebih baik dari Hornet yang klasik (F/A-18 Hornet). Tetapi untuk bisa maksimal, tetap kembali pada pilotnya. Seberapa terlatih dan seberapa terampil dia bisa memanfaatkan kelebihan yang ada," ungkapnya di sela-sela latihan Flypass 17 Agustus nanti di atas Istana Negara, Jakarta.

"Syukur kami bisa mengimbanginya. Berkat kerap berlatih dengan radar, RWR, extra thrust; mereka memberi apresiasi dan pengakuan yang luar biasa pada kemampuan BVR (Beyond Visual Range) combat dan Close Combat yang kami miliki," ujar Untung Suropati.(adr)

HMAS Wollongong-92 Singgah di Denpasar

27 Agustus 2012, Denpasar: Perwira Staf beserta Anggota Pangkalan TNI AL (Lanal) Denpasar melaksanakan penyambutan kapal perang Australia HMAS Wollongong-92 yang bersandar di dermaga pariwisata Pelabuhan Benoa Bali, (24/8).

Kedatangan kapal perang Australia tersebut dalam rangka recreational and logistic port visit yang dikomandani oleh Lieutenant Commander Gavin Baker dengan 02 Officer dan 26 Sailor, selama tiga hari Kapal Perang Australia tersebut rencana berada di Bali dan akan bertolak meninggalkan Bali pada hari Senin tanggal 27 Agustus 2012.

Guna mendukung pengamanan kunjungan kapal perang Australia tersebut Lanal Denpasar mengerahkan satu SST untuk pengamanan area dermaga, KRI Weling dan Patkamla Catamaran untuk patroli perairan disekitar tempat sandar .

Sumber: lantamal5

Mabes TNI Akui Membutuhkan Rudal Maverick

Rudal AGM-65 Maverick. (Foto: U.S. Air Force /Staff Sgt. Jocelyn Rich)

27 Agustus 2012, Jakarta: Markas Besar TNI mengklaim rudal AGM-65K2 "Maverick All-Up-Round" sebagai bagian dari kebutuhannya. "Itu salah satu kelengkapan pesawat yang dibutuhkan oleh TNI," kata Kepala Pusat Penerangan Markas Besar TNI Laksamana Muda Iskandar Sitompul kepada wartawan, Senin, 27 Agustus 2012.

Namun Iskandar mengatakan akan menyerahkan rencana pembelian rudal itu pada Kementerian Pertahanan. "Tentu semuanya harus disesuaikan dengan anggaran yang ada, urusan itu biar Kemhan yang memutuskan," kata Iskandar.

Iskandar memastikan TNI memerlukan 18 paket peluru kendali pabrikan Raytheon Co ini. "Kalau punya pesawatnya, tentu harus dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan yang memadai," ujar dia.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama menyatakan persetujuannya untuk menjual perangkat rudal F-16 ke Indonesia. Berdasarkan nota yang dikirim pada Rabu pekan lalu itu, Indonesia disebut-sebut meminta paket 18 rudal jenis AGM-65K2 "Maverick All-Up-Round", 36 rudal untuk latihan para pilot, tiga rudal latihan "perawatan" beserta suku cadangnya, perlengkapan pengujian, serta latihan personal.

Rudal AGM-65 buatan Raytheon Co itu dirancang untuk menyerang target jarak jauh, termasuk kendaraan lapis baja, pertahanan udara, transportasi darat, dan fasilitas penyimpanan. "Penjualan ini akan menjadikan Indonesia mitra regional yang berharga di sebuah wilayah penting di dunia," kata Pentagon, seperti dikutip dari laman Business Recorder, Ahad 26 Agustus 2012.

Sumber: TEMPO

Warships, Fighter Jets, S-400 to 'Protect Russia APEC Summit'

Warships, warplanes as well as S-400 missile defense systems will be deployed to protect the leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum during a summit in Russia's Far East next month, an official said on Friday.
The summit will be held in the port city of Vladivostok on September 2-9.
"The security of the summit will be provided by engineering units of the Eastern Military District, and anti-aircraft units, which include an S-400 system, the [Sukhoi] Su-27SMSu-30 and MiG-31 jets, as well as by Pacifit Fleet warships and submarines," said Igor Korotchenko, a miltary journalist and chairman of the Defense Ministry's Public Council.
The meeting of the 21-member group is expected to be dominated by economic and trade issues.

B-52s bring persistent airpower to Exercise Pitch Black 12

B-52s bring persistent airpower to Exercise Pitch Black 12

The 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, Minot Air Force Base, N.D., took to the skies of Australia’s Northern Territory Aug. 2 to 18 as the lone U.S. Air Force unit flying in Exercise Pitch Black 12.
With more than 2,200 personnel and up to 100 participating military aircraft, Exercise Pitch Black 12 is the Royal Australian Air Force’s largest and most complex air exercise.
From July 27 to Aug. 17, the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, Australian Defense Force, Royal Thai Armed Forces, Singapore Armed Forces, New Zealand Defense Force, Malaysian Armed Forces, French Armed Forces, British Armed Forces, Indonesian National Armed Forces and a component operating under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization participated in the exercise.
The 69th EBSs’ participation in Pitch Black 12 is critical to satisfying their mission objectives in support of Pacific Air Forces’ continuous bomber presence.
As part of the mission, bombers participate in exercises while deployed in order to showcase both U.S. offensive and defensive capabilities, engage with the citizens of regional partners and ultimately contribute toward interoperability with other countries.
“In traversing the Pacific Ocean for large-scale exercises such as Rim of the Pacific and Pitch Black 12, our crews hone their skills, as well as assure our allies of the United States’ commitment to the region,” said Capt. Timothy May, 69th EBS weapons and tactics flight commander and bomber liaison officer representing the squadron for planning and briefings in Australia for Pitch Black 12.
“It shows that the United States maintains a credible strike capability in the region at all times,” he said.
For more than 20 years, the RAAF has conducted the biennial Pitch Black Exercises as major training activities, providing participating nations the opportunity to obtain useful military training and the chance to strengthen ties with regional partners.
Captain May said that integrating into Pacific Command joint and coalition exercises, operations and training provided aircrews unique training opportunities in support of the continuous bomber presence..
“This exercise afforded my colleagues and I a tremendous opportunity to learn and expand our skills as aviators,” said Captain May. “Communicating and planning with our Pacific allies provided a unique learning opportunity that bolsters cultural and professional relationships among regional partners.”
During the exercise, the B-52 displayed unique capabilities that make it a commodity in such large-scale air exercises. Along with its ordnance capacity, the B-52 brings a long-endurance capability, which translates directly to persistent airpower.
“The B-52 brings a volume of ordnance that smaller, tactical assets cannot match,” said Captain May. “In multiple cases during the exercise, a single B-52 covered nearly 50 percent of its team’s targets in given scenarios.”
The exercise required participants to conduct offensive counter air and defensive counter air missions launched from RAAF Bases Darwin and Tindal.
Pitch Black 12 utilized massive training areas that featured realistic threat simulations and targets. These training areas accommodated larger aircraft formations and provided a formidable obstacle course for the aircraft and crews of participating nations.
“During the exercise we integrated into flying formations with the other nations,” said Maj. Christopher Morris, 69th EBS mission planning cell team chief. “On a training day, we can have Indonesian or Taiwanese aircraft escort us to the target and protect us from the opposing targets. Such formations promote good integration with our regional partners’ air forces.”
Captain May said that the exercise gave participants opportunities to practice operating in high threat environments against very capable adversaries.
“With six nations participating we receive different perspectives from regional air forces, from mission planning to execution to debrief,” said Captain May. “The collective efforts of all six nations bring an impressive array of aircraft and skills to the fight.”
The 69th EBS participation in Pitch Black 12 is only one among multiple exercises where in the B-52 has represented the U.S. Air Force and its air-strike capability.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to integrate with our allies through participation in Pitch Black 12,” said Lt. Col. Doug Gosney, 69th EBS commander. “Our B-52 bomber force and aircrew maintain a high level of readiness across all mission sets. Participation in these types of exercises allow us to hone our skills even further while simultaneously forging and strengthening relationships with our friends and allies.”
Along with experiences gained and reinforced international ties, the 69th EBS continues to support the CBP mission and take part in exercises that develop greater interoperability, strengthen regional peace, and promote stability and prosperity within the Asia-Pacific Region.
“I am extremely proud of our bombers and crew force for their accomplishments and participation in regional activities in the Pacific,” said Gosney. “Their service and dedication bring unique capabilities to these coalition and joint exercises as part of the continuous bomber presence mission and is a testament to the fact that the Air Force stands ready for the call and can successfully accomplish all assigned missions.”
Sumber Defence Talk:


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